
Chapter 5 - There Was a Village

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Aerth is not technically another world, it is a part of our world. Our world is not whole without Aerth, it exists inside the folds of everything that the Earth and its inhabitants are. And the life that exists on Aerth is like an aftertaste of the Earth's, a cobbled together approximation of everything that the Earth is. Simon says search your blood and find the island that holds each treasure of your being.

At first, the Great Cloxtel wasn't different from any other governor in the many thousands of villages on the Aerth. He wasn't particularly benevolent or malicious, he was just that typical mix of effectiveness and corruption that most people in charge tend to be. Nothing remarkable, just a good politician, and a decent negotiator. Governor Cloxtel was having a successful term, and his village was a very nice place to live.

There were three wizards that roamed through every part of the Aerth. They were the Blue Wizard, the Gold Wizard, and the Red Wizard. Each of them were of a different character and personality and had a tendency to compete with each other. Their competition involved seeing who could influence the minds of others to the greatest amount, and who could rule more of the world by proxy than the other. Each set upon a different method of growing their influence, but the Gold Wizard was an idealist, and had more important things on his mind than winning, in his view.

The Red Wizard came to the Cloxtel's village one day, which was then called Hazelberg. He took to the streets and performed magics and wonders. All had heard rumors about the wizards and their abilities, and to see those rumors confirmed was a delight all throughout the village. To the point where he became a prized member of the community, and was invited into the home of Cloxtel.

The Red Wizard became his official advisor and was also put in a position of power of his own. They were underneath the same roof more often than not, and the wizard provided many innovative tools which came of use. As election season grew near, the governor began to fear the idea of having to let go the life of luxury he was accustomed to, and agonized over the idea of no longer having the Red Wizard by his side. He had grown to love him dearly and deeply, and though his chances of re-election were fair, they were not certain. There was even much talk of replacing him with the wizard himself.

He brought this up to the Red Wizard. He said to him, "The people of Hazelberg love you dearly as I do, and I've heard many suggest putting you into the governor's seat. What do you think of this?"
"I wouldn't be interested. I came to help you grow a little while, and then leave when your people were ready to lift themselves up further on their own. That time is drawing near."
"You are going to leave us?"
"I must. As I've done with all villages I visit, and then I will find a new village that shows similar promise, and help that one excel as well. It is our way."
"I don't know if I'll be able to go on without you here. We've... I've really grown attached to you, and so have my people, and the day you leave will be a day we mourn."
"I know this will be hard, just as the babe mourns being cut off from his mother's breast. But I won't leave you entirely, I will leave you and your village with a unique gift, so that a part of me can always be with you."
"I understand." Cloxtel swallowed his tears down hard. "I, I am so grateful. What kind of gift will it be?"
"There will be a gift for your people, and a gift for you alone."
"Can I know what it is?"
The wizard smirked, knowing his plan would be successful. "The gift to the people will be you. And your gift will be anything that you desire."
"Me? But they already have me! What they want is you!"
"I know, but it's you that they need. I've been with you so long, observing you, studying you. You are the greatest leader I have seen in all my journeys. You will lead your people to the greatest prosperity, and I belive you are the One Who is Prophecized"
"Wow. I... I don't, what is that?"
"When me and my fellow wizards were young, there was a much older wizard who was called the Crystal Wizard. On his dying day, he made a prophecy that there would one day be a governor who rises from his own village, and then through his strength in leadership shall unite them all into one worldwide nation. I believe you are that governor. No, I am nearly certain of it. I would stake my knowledge of magic on it. It is your destiny to govern this world."
"Wow... Me? Wow..."

Governor Cloxtel was mesmerized by this idea. Him, a Governor of the world. A man with the strength to bring all the other villages under his stewardship, and manage them well. He had never doubted the wizard's words before, and didn't see a reason to start. His heart swelled with joy, and he thanked the wizard with a mountain of enthusiasm. He could taste a new stage in his life rolling in, and it was exciting.

"So, Cloxtel, about your gift. What do you desire most?"
"To fulfill my destiny, to govern over this whole world, to create a family out of the entire population, with all of them having me to thank! Give me something that would help me realize this dream faster."

When the Wizard decided it was time to leave, he announced to the people of Hazelberg that Cloxtel should be the one to govern the village for as long as he lives. And told them all about the destiny he described to the man himself before. And then finally, gave Cloxtel a gift, three talismans that he formed with his own power. The most important was the Opaque Armor. A full body suit of armor that was completely jet black, and was impenetrable to all physical matter. It also enhanced his strength to that of three men. The second was the Sproutful Dagger. A dagger made of a metal far sharper than any other, that could grow its blade to any size through the power of thought, and through enchantment would never dull. And thirdly, the Scepter Royale. Which when struck onto the ground would create a magical force field, and could also fire magical bolts of energy through force of will.

Him and his people negotiated with the bordering villages, some agreed to join their villages with Hazelberg of their own free will. But two did not. And the villages bordering the former border villages would not. In fact, they refused. Cloxtel was hungry for his destiny and grew impatient very quickly. His determination felt explosive, his lust for success pounded relentlessly. He formed his Village, now bigger than ever, into a village prepared for war, a people prepared for conquest. For destiny. For a brighter future, built on the torn flesh of any who conflicted with their greater purpose. A united world, an Aerth-wide family, with Cloxtel at the head of the household.  

And who could argue with the validity of the prophecy?  In the short space of 8 years, he would go on to conquer half of the Aerth's villages. It is only a matter of time, Cloxtel often said to himself, before his destiny is realized. And then these people will know it was for their own good. And then these people will know how much better it is to have him as their father, governor, and king.

"When I have governance over the world," he said. "The people will turn around, and forget their fears of me, and see their improved circumstance. The people will praise me and when I finally die, I shall forever be remembered as the man who brought the entire world into a state of glory. It is only a matter of time, another few years perhaps. There isn't a reason in the world I will ever have to worry again. Because after all, who could stop me?"
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